NEW: Party like it’s the end of the world! Want to throw an amazing “Apocalypse: Managed” themed book party? Here’s how…
Edward Applebum always knows what to do. Getting through the Apocalypse in an appropriate manner is no exception, even though most of the world has been destroyed by the time he wakes up on the day of Armageddon.
Dragons swoop upon their hapless victims from the sky. Gog and Magog appear over what remains of London. The air is filled with the stench of the dead and the screams of the dying. Be that as it may, Edward sees no reason to panic. His companions naturally follow his lead: an American redneck, a Spanish fanatic, a navel-gazing Christian hipster, the best parish secretary the world has ever seen, an officious fish, a tufty old vicar, a frenemy demon, and, lest he be remiss, his wife, Audrey, who took it upon herself to let him sleep in today of all days.
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